Whānau Ora

Muaūpoko Tribal Authority is part of a Te Tihi o Ruahine Whānau Ora Alliance of nine Iwi, Hapū, and Māori organisations who work collectively to deliver whānau-centred services based on the Te Ara Whānau Ora process.  A Whānau Ora approach  places the aspirations of the whānau, their values and strengths at the centre of the programme.  We combine  our values and tikanga of Muaūpokotanga to implement the Whānau Ora service delivery model,an aspiration based model that it is responsive to needs of our whānau.

We see whānau leading their own aspirations to achieve orangatanga or wellbeing. Whānau are an essential core of the hapū and iwi, by strengthening the whānau, we strengthen the hapū and the iwi.

Whānau ora is a way of working or an approach that uses the tool Te Ara Whānau Ora framework that includes other  frameworks such as Tapa Wha, Tuakana/Teina,Whakapapa tools and Whainga.

We seek to support whanau so they are self managing; living healthy lifestyles; participating fully in society; confidently participating in te ao maori; economically secure and successfully involved in wealth creation; and is cohesive, resilient and nurturing.

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