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All the Latest News from Muaupoko Tribal Authority

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Latest News – November 2013

Self-initiated Review

The MTA has recently completed an independent review of its governance and operational structure and performance. This initiative was driven from a desire by the people of Muaupoko to take stock of the representative tribal structure for Muaupoko and to consider opportunities to strengthen and consolidate the MTA. Sir Wira Gardiner was appointed independent reviewer at a special general meeting held on 20 July 2013 and an independent review committee was put in place to oversee the review process.

Sir Wira presented a set of recommendations at a subsequent SGM held on 2 November 2013. The recommendations provide a solid platform for the MTA, and Muaupoko, to continue advancing, enhancing and developing as it engages from a position of strength. The recommendations encompass a broad improvement programme from structural design (reducing size of board and simplifying operational structure), strengthening MTA systems (good employer, policies, decision making processes etc) and re-configuring the financial structures to promote more sustainable income opportunities for MTA.

Muaupoko adopted the recommendations unanimously. The MTA Board confirmed its commitment to implement the recommendations and report back to members on progress at upcoming general meetings.

Te Hono ki Tararua me Ruahine (Te Hono)

This Whānau Ora collective of Muaupoko, Ngati Raukawa ki te Tonga, and later Te Atiawa ki Whakarongotai, with the combined takiwa of the three Iwi run from Pukerua Bay ato the Rangitikei River, has been in progress for four plus years. Muaupoko and Ngati Raukawa are continuing to work together to progress a Programme of Action designed to formalise these arrangements. In parallel, the MTA is working with TPK to support it through the strengthening process to ensure it can contribute effectively as a strong partner to the Te Hono initiative.

Treaty of Waitangi Direct Negotiations Underway

Receiving Crown recognised mandate on 25 September 2013 kicked off the direct negotiations process between Crown and MTA.

Since then the MTA has held initial meetings with John Harbord (Chief Crown Negotiator), and the team from Office of Treaty Settlements, on a regular basis to progress the claim on behalf of Muaupoko.

The focus of this initial phase of the direct negotiations process is to prepare the platform for negotiations to commence January 2014. This includes signing a document referred to as “Terms of Negotiation”, which sets down the ground rules for MTA and Crown negotiations.

The following activities are planned:
– Terms of Negotiation signing is planned for mid-December. Negotiations to commence in January 2014.

– An Information hui (see below) and other events are planned to ensure whanau remain fully informed about the progress of the settlement negotiations process.

– Post Settlement Governance Entity (PSGE) discussions to commence 2014. This is the entity that will initially receive the settlement assets once the proposed settlement is ratified by Muaupoko.

– Expressions of Interest are being called for Muaupoko Claims Committee and Research Committee (see below).

– The Waitangi Tribunal is working with us to undertake a ”Nga Korero Tuku lho” process to enable whanau to tell their stories and have these captured on the public record. This is proposed to occur on [date]”

– Initial research scoping exercise is underway with support from Crown Forestry Rental Trust.

Communications are underway with overlapping lwi groups as part of the pathway to settlement process.

Muaupoko Claims Committee

We hereby call for Expressions of Interest in the Muaupoko Claims Committee.

The Claims Committee is being established as a sub-committee of the MTA in accordance to the Negotiation Structure set out in the Pathway to Settlement document and the MTA Mandate Strategy. It will have up to 9 members who are representative of hapu and Wai claimants.

The Claims Committee is to be part of the Negotiation Structure and will work with the MTA and the other relevant working groups. Its role is to provide on-going advice in relation to the conduct of negotiations to settle all Historical Claims of Muaupoko lwi, and to provide strategic direction and leadership on the development and implementation of the Pathway to Settlement by receiving, considering and making recommendations in relation key documentation including a comprehensive negotiations plan and strategy.

For a copy of the Muaupoko Claims Committee
Charter, please collect a copy from the MTA Office, 306 Oxford Street, Levin or download from

Expressions of Interest close Monday 2 December 2013.

The MTA will make and notify the selections as per the notified Pathway to Settlement document and the Muaupoko Claims Committee Charter

Muaupoko Research Committee

We hereby call for Expressions of Interest in the Muaupoko Research Committee.

The Research Committee is being established as a sub-committee of the MTA in accordance to the Negotiation Structure set out by Pathway to Settlement document and the MTA Mandate Strategy.

The Research Committee is a focus group of researchers headed by a professional historian/researcher, selected by the MTA.

The role of the Research Group is to:

1. Review and provide comment on the progress reports filed by various historians contracted by the Crown Forestry Rental Trust (CFRT) to undertake research orientated work in the Muaupoko are of interest.

2. Undertake any research that could assist the Claims Committee and Negotiators in assessing commercial and cultural redress assets;

3. Commentary on any Crown acknowledgements, apology and the historical account; and

4. Any other relevant historical matters relating to the Pathway to Settlement.

5. To be part of the Negotiation Structure and will work with the MTA and the other relevant working groups. In doing so, it will provide on-going advice in relation to the conduct of negotiations to settle all Historical Claims of Muaupoko lwi.

For a copy of the Muaupoko Research Committee Charter, please collect a copy from the MTA Otfice, 306 Oxford Street, Levin or download from

Expressions of Interest close Monday 2 December 2013.

Information Brochure muaupoko_2012_mandate_information_brochure Pdf

Click Here

Click here to view the VOTING Results of the Muaupoko Tribal Authority Rule changes to meet TOKM requirement for MIO status.

LATEST PANUI click here …

CLICK HERE … to view the DRAFT of the “Taiao Strategy 2012”

MTA to establish an Independent Review

A copy of the Independent Review Terms of Reference is available for members information – CLICK HERE

Lake Horowhenua Owner’s Information Hui – Lake Accord
Lake owners are invited to attend this information hui regarding the draft Lake Accord document.


Deed of Mandate for Muaūpoko

MTA are seeking a recognized mandate for direct negotiations of all Muaupoko Treaty Claims. Submissions were held on the draft Mandate Strategy and a vote on the proposed Mandate conducted in 2012. A draft Deed of Mandate has been submitted to Te Puni Kokiri and is now available to view. Submissions on the draft Deed of Mandate may be made to Te Puni Kokiri.

A mandate will only be conferred to the MTA following a Crown review of the entire process, including the submissions period, before reporting to Ministers, who will make a decision on whether or not the MTA have obtained a durable mandate to represent Muaūpoko in negotiations with the Crown for a comprehensive and final settlement of all our historical Treaty of Waitangi claims.


The First 200 completed surveys will go into a draw to win one of the following prizes:
5 Muaūpoko CD’s, 2 Muaūpoko T-shirts including $50 petrol vouchers.

Muaūpoko Education and Te Reo Survey

In the expression of Rangatiratanga, Muaūpoko Tribal Authority has entered into an agreement with the Ministry of Education to work collaboratively on areas of shared interest to support Muaūpoko learners to achieve education success as Muaūpoko. This work will also support Muaūpoko to increase their influence in education within their tribal boundary.

For this to happen, we invite our Muaūpoko Whānau to take part in the following Survey.

–>CLICK HERE To fill in Survey <–

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