Kia Ora Whanau. Just a reminder that the Waitangi Tribunal Porirua ki Manawatu district inquiry hearings are coming up as follows: Monday 23th of November to Friday the 27th of…
Incorporated 1997
Kia Ora Whanau. Just a reminder that the Waitangi Tribunal Porirua ki Manawatu district inquiry hearings are coming up as follows: Monday 23th of November to Friday the 27th of…
Te Kooti Whenua Māori have extended an invitation to the people of Muaupoko to attend a special sitting of the Aotea Māori Land court on Friday the 27th of November…
Kia ora, The Arts Council is developing a new four-year strategy, building on the pathways set out in our current strategic plan. We’re wanting to have a bigger impact, against…
Come along to our FREE Workshop on Social Enterprise we have two workshops running on Wednesday 14th October: 11am-1pm and 3:30pm-5:30pm Where: Adecco Building, Te Puna Meeting Room, Health On…
Kia Ora whānau. You will remember we ran an Iwi registration draw earlier this year to entice new whanau to register with the Iwi, and also existing members to update…
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