The Sealords Deal in 1993 provided for Iwi to receive fisheries assets. In 2004 the Fisheries Settlement Act legislated how this would occur. Muaupoko and other Iwi are required to meet several requirements before we can receive fisheries assets. In the meantime, Te Ohu Kaimoana (TOKM) and Aotearoa Fisheries Limited (AFL) hold these fisheries assets in Trust for Muaupoko.
MTA is the Recognised Iwi Organisation (RIO) for Muaupoko in the Maori Fisheries Settlement Act
We pay TOKM a fee to receive our fisheries annual catch entitlement (ACE), which we are then able to lease to make a net profit. Every Fisheries Season, eg April to March for Crayfish and October to September for Fish, we seek to receive the ACE from TOKM. However, because we are not yet a Mandate Iwi Organisation (MIO) we do not own it yet. We will also need to negotiate coastline agreements with other Iwi to receive our inshore fisheries.
MTA are in the process of seeking MIO status, click here to read more ……
For more information about Iwi Fisheries
Click here to go to Te Ohu Kaimoana (TOKM)
Click here to go to Aotearoa Fisheries Limited
Click here to go to Ministry for Primary Industries