At a 2007 AGM hui-a-iwi, members were encouraged to participate in the direction where the MTA should focus its interest towards. Those who had participated in the process have made an impact creating long-term strategies with the following vision that will take Muaupoko forward into the future.
Our Vision
“Whakahono kia tu kaha Muaupoko”
Unite, stand strong Muaupoko
Muaupoko 2020
Muaupoko 2020 is about whakahono kia tu kaha Muaupoko. It is about our ability to stand strong and united so that together we will create and control our destiny.
It is our belief that in the year 2020 we will be at a place where we have:
– empowered our Hapū, Whānau and Marae
– protected our identity, assets and environment
– enhanced our economic wealth, health, culture and social well being.
It is our responsibility to learn the lessons of the past, to plan and prepare for the future. Unite, stand strong Muaupoko is our vision, many will contribute to its creation and all will benefit from its continued existence.
The planning process is now. Dreaming of the future, of where Muaupoko would be in 2020 must be achieved. Muaupoko 2020 will be about developing long-term strategies to realize the vision, to make the dream a reality.
A United Muaupoko Will Prosper – A Divided Muaupoko Will Not
Tena Koe
It was good to see the outline of the strategic vision of the MTA for Muaupoko Iwi. I was wondering if the complete strategic plan was available online? The steps required to achieve each of the ten goals which are timeframed.. I also wondered it the board had a governance manual?, and has the board included a communication plan within any of the ten strategic goals? Having well developed strategic plans and governance manuals would also be useful toward helping the individual hapu develop their capacity by aiding the hapu in the development of their own visions and goals – and support communication within the hapu with their own members.