Otaki to North Levin (O2NL) Expressway Roading Project
You will be aware that the Government has decided to replace the State Highway 1 route between Otaki and Taitoko with a new expressway and that this project is now in the early stages of planning.
The final route decision will happen next year, however in the meantime we are arranging mechanisms for our whānau to engage with this project and Waka Kotahi (NZTA).
The Otaki to North Levin expressway will be one of, if not the, largest infrastructure project in our rohe for decades, and while the new road will bring benefits, it will also leave a permanent mark on our whenua.
It’s critical that the planning, design and delivery of this expressway road reflects Muaūpoko values and aspirations.
The New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi acknowledge Muaūpoko status as tangata whenua and manawhenua over the Horowhenua rohe. Waka Kotahi have committed to partner with Muaūpoko and ensure our input in this significant roading project.
As a first step, we have arranged a dedicated opportunity for our people to learn about this proposed new Otaki to North Levin expressway, to be able to ask questions and express your views.
For those members in Taitoko and the nearby rohe – this can happen by way of a number of hui (dedicated to Muaūpoko) over the period 28 September to 3 October. This schedule includes the school holidays, evening and a weekend – in order to provide a range of times days and options for whānau to attend and engage.
NZTA-Waka Kotahi project advisors will be present to respond to questions, provide resources, virtual tours and collect your feedback.
We will also provide ways for our members outside Taitoko and Aotearoa to engage. As a start, you can watch the video ‘flyover’ of the proposed new route here: https://www.nzta.govt.nz/projects/wellington-northern-corridor/otaki-to-north-of-levin/videos.
If our members would like a dedicated ZOOM session, please email Nick at nick@muaupoko.iwi.nz. We can arrange a Zhui some time that same week.
The kanohi ki te kanohi hui will be held at Te Takeretanga o Kura-hau-pō, 10 Bath Street in Taitako, from Monday 28 September to Saturday 3 October to enable as many members as possible to have an opportunity to attend. The hui times and venues are:
Day | Meeting times and rooms | ||
Monday 28 September | 10-12am
(Rimu room) |
(Rimu room) |
Tuesday 29 September | 10-12am
(Rimu room) |
(Rimu room) |
Wednesday 30 September | 10-12am
(Rimu room) |
(Rimu room) |
(Rimu room) |
Thursday 1 October | 10-12am
(Hebe room) |
(Rimu room) |
Friday 2 October | 1-3pm
(Rimu room) |
Saturday 3 October | 10-12am
(Hebe room) |
(Rimu room) |
If you are interested in taking part, please RSVP to Nick at nick@muaupoko.iwi.nz or phone 021 260 3704 which session/s you would like to attend.
These sessions are first steps. We plan to provide other engagement opportunities throughout the 5 year lifetime of the project.