Kia ora e te whānau,
Our office closed on Monday – we are now all working remotely from home.
Please do not hesitate contact us on 06 367 3311 – the telephone is redirected and will be responded to.
As promised, we are letting you know what we are working on while working remotely and we are sharing information from our government, partner and agency sources to keep you up to date, provide guidance and perhaps answer questions you might have during this Alert 4 status period. Like we mentioned in our earlier notices, these measures are our best hope of protecting ourselves – and more importantly, protecting those amongst us who could be made seriously unwell by COVID-19. We encourage you all to take all recommendations provided by the Ministry of Health very seriously, and continue to visit the COVID-19 website for regular updates.
Please heed to the messages, to keep ourselves and our whānau safe.
Most Important message
- “Stay HOME, Isolate and limit trips for essential purposes only.”
Response Teams
We are actively working with community, regional and national response teams, that include local Councils, Iwi Leaders Forums, Māori/Iwi Health Alliances MidCentral DHB and PHO teams, as well as various other organisations as needed. This will ensure we can keep connected on behalf of, and advocating for – the needs of our whānau. In particular to support and find answers or solutions for whatever we can, to help whānau individually and collectively through this difficult, unprecedented time.
MTA is a Board member the Te Tihi Whanau Ora Alliance – we can therefore invite you to access that website to keep updated, or follow the Facebook: Te Tihi o Ruahine Whānau Ora Alliance
We are working hard to coordinate responses and advocate for our whanau needs.
Our kaimahi have established a call and contact programme to connect with Kaumatua and whānau. This will mean we can keep in touch and provide information and support
Please, if you or a whānau are in need of support please contact us.
We rely on up-to-date member contact and email details to do this really well for you.
If you have moved or changed phone or email contacts – we would be happy to update your details for to ensure you are receiving panui and news of any changes or help available.
Please email us or phone 06 367 3311
Hauora – Wellbeing
Experts have made it clear – mindful and intentional – good hygiene practices are crucial to preventing the spread of COVID-19.
Simple things can really make a difference, like washing hands thoroughly and regularly, staying home, keeping a physical distance between yourself and other people.
You can visit the COVID-19 website to learn more about what you can do.
COVID-19 obviously poses a risk to our physical health, so it’s important that we all do our part to minimise that risk.
Staying at home, physical distancing –could have an impact on our wairua and mental health.
Now we are in self-isolation, there is a real need to look after and check in on whānau members and neighbours – as we cannot do this kanohi ki te kanohi, please use the technology we have in our homes – like phone, email, Facebook and the internet. If someone needs a manaaki phone call, please let us know. We are all in this together.
Stay connected and stay active, while staying in your own whare.
We are told that getting creative, getting outside for some fresh air, and keeing to a routine will be important to our hinengaro.
Maybe now is the time to tick off all those jobs we’ve all got and have all been meaning to get to!
Some ideas from whānau we’ve spoken to –
- Talk – skype – zoom – FaceTime all those to whanau members I have been neglecting
- Learn a waiata, a karakia or write a waiata
- Sharpen my te Reo skills
- Play the old board games or cards
- The massive whānau clean up
- Star gaze
- Learn a new hand craft
- Read those books I’ve always meant to
- Keep a journal for my moko to keep the story of your journey through these this time
- Make a scrap book story or artwork
- Read the Waitangi Tribunal Muaupoko Priority Report Click here
- Google word, excel, technology programs to use them better (more than the same functions I always use)
- Bake
Those are ideas from the whānau we’ve talked to – however there are heaps and heaps of great ideas out there on social media popping all the time on Facebook and Social Media groups.
Most important- reach out to whānau or a friend – and us too – if you are feeling low. We would welcome your contact.
Do what we do so well – look after each other, be kind and support each other during this time.
This is utterly new for everyone – we can do it whānau.
Key Information Sources
Not all whānau might have access to social media, so we are sharing the primary websites which help to keep up to date.
Government and MOH Links
- Findout more about the Alert Level system here: COVID-19 Alert Levels
- This is the NZ Government information site for COVID-19> it is updated on a regular basis and covers a wide range of issues from Public Health, Border Control, Economics, Education, Workplace, Welfare, Travel and Infrastructure matters, etc.
It is said to be the best site to keep abreast of official developments in the Covid-19 space – which as we are finding out – is a very fast-moving space.
- Please follow the Unite Against Covid-19 Facebook page to get the most recent and accurate information
Health Information
- provides for all health updates and announcements – including information about Covid-19 cases
Your own daily updates sent to you
- You can also sign up for a daily newsletter of COVID national-level information here:
Tangata Whaikaha – Whānau with Disability
- For whānau with disability needs – see this link:
- Tangihana these are the guidelines given by the Ministry of Health to support whānau during this time. We will be putting a separate link together for Māori whānau and adapted practices for Tangihana.
WINZ and Support Packages
- For support for work and income, government support packages
Horowhenua District Council Services and news
- for information on services for Horowhenua District Council
Muaūpoko Tribal Authority
Contact Details.
If you, whānau or anyone you know has a question they cannot get an answer to, or needs any support please contact us as we are working usual hours- just that we are working from home.
If you need us urgently after hours- please call.
Our office phone has been directed and all our kaimahi are contactable via phone or email.
Our contact details are:
Office Number: 06 367 3311 email:
Whānau Support Services: 027 214 0734 email:
Iwi Support/ General Enquiries: 021 021 61043 email:
We will be using our Facebook and website to keep you all up to date
Please share any information and our links with whānau.
The more informed our people are the more effective we can be at mitigating the spread of Covid-19.
Please stay safe out there whānau and look after each other.
Ka noho koutou i roto i te manaakitanga maha, Kia noho haumaru whānau.
Whakahono, kia tū kaha Muaūpoko.
Nāku iti nei, nā
Muaūpoko Tribal Authority Board and Team
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