Have you or your whānau been affected by cancer?

Let’s join together to tell Ministry Policy makers what works and what needs to change

Whanau – no doubt you have heard news about the outcome of the Health Enquiry into the Maori health outcomes. The result – an acknowledgment that the system is fundamentally failing Maori.

As a result we have joined with other Iwi in the region to ask for direct input opportunity for our Whanau to have their say in a variety of health matters.

Whakapai Hauora Health Centre Maxwell’s Line Palmerston North is hosting a hui with MoH (Ministry of Health) officials coming to listen to us about our own and Whanau experience with cancer – what we want cancer treatments and programmes to look like – what messages and priorities for government and to enable us to have direct access to government policy makers

We will also make this a day of Whānaungatanga not just with Muaupoko but with other Manawatu and Horowhenua Whanau. Lunch provided

We are taking a bus up and back and can pick up as well in need. Plus can make stops at Shannon and Foxton in need. So don’t be shy.

Please come along – anyone who has experienced cancer or supported Whanau with cancer or been any part of a cancer journey for a loved one – your view matters.

Even if it’s about you attending to hear government’s latest plans in this space.

We’d love to have you join us.

Details as follows…

28th August 2019


Bus can do pickups in Shannon & Foxton by prior arrangement, call Bex at Muaūpoko Tribal Authority on 06)3673311 or 0221554473.