holistic approach to do everything they can to help clients achieve their goals and that includes
employment. Stacey Kerehoma – Kelly Tahiwi – Leighanna Willis – Rebekah Hori Te Pa – Olivia Leahy –
Donna Sayer –Miriama Matthews – Kim Topia – Sophie Thompson –Wiremu Matakatea are all part of that
Match making is a centuries-old art form and needs a deep understanding of the candidates, but is worth the effort for Muaupoko Tribal Authority (MTA) and their recruiter Olivia Leahy, said MTA CEO Di Rump.
Their Whanau Ora approach has led to success in finding employment for whanau who have struggled with gaining meaningful jobs.
Labour hire recruiter Olivia Leahy, from RobLawMax Labour Hire in Paraparaumu, can find jobs for a wide range of people. “She empowers people and ensures their mana remains intact throughout,” said Kim Topia, Whanau Ora Navigator for MTA.
Olivia Leahy sensed an opportunity help to MTA’s Whanau Ora clients.
“Whanau Ora is a social movement-starting here in 2011 -making a real difference in the lives of whanau ever since.It is about supporting people to find their own strengths and solutions – walking alongside them to support them reach their goals and dreams,” says Di.
“As navigators we work with people’s aspirations and adopt a holistic approach to do everything we can to connect them to whatever it takes to support them achieve those goals.” said Kim Topia Whanau Ora Navigator at MTA.
“We facilitate, coach, advocate and broker whatever it is they need or want.”
A goal in the plan of some Whanau Ora clients can include finding a suitable job.
“We get people from all walks of life and work experience. We help them identify and focus on their strengths and then we work with partners to find an environment for them that fits—so they can grow and achieve their “Whanau Ora”. We walk beside them throughout the process. That’s what “navigating” is all about.
“No one does this on their own. We do not believe in deadend roads. Together we keep going to find a way to support them to make things happen for themselves.
“Olivia has opened some great employment doors for our clients. She allows whanau to access the job market that had previously excluded many of them.”
Since Olivia started working with MTA clients eight months ago she has found jobs for 30-40 people and a total of 60 MTA clients have signed up with her. “Our approach and Olivia’s philosophies match.
“It is about collaboration for the betterment of whanau. We want everyone in Taitoko who wants to work, working,” said Topia.
“We are keen to help everyone who comes to see us. Our services are for Muaupoko whanau and everyone else in our community that is interested.” “With Olivia we are confident we partner our whanau into safe hands. Olivia has our trust, which is vital.”
“People come into MTA themselves to link into Whanau Ora—we also take referrals. Olivia comes to our place which makes it so easy for our clients and helps everyone feel so much more comfortable,” said Di.
“I look for what might fit their needs and the goal is to work in partnership and support them to be able to manage the job themselves,” said Olivia.
One success story was a local woman who found a job some months ago and is now able to take her whanau for a holiday to Australia for the first time.
“People gain confidence with Olivia. “Even those who don’t find it easy to speak up, relax and quickly find their confidence,” said Topia.
“Whanau Ora is an approach that supports people to take personal ownership of life and that is empowering. “I try to support people to navigate their own path as smoothly as we can,” said Kim. Olivia is keen to have more candidates and businesses in her network, so she can help more people into jobs.
She said there is a great benefit for local employers in using her labour hire services. “RobLawMax is the employer, so businesses can have a good look at someone before they hire them permanently.
“I walk beside the employees all the way. Much of my job is about managing expectations and providing solutions for both candidates and businesses.
“Olivia is amazing, passionate and positive—she can help anyone into work. “She can actually do that,” said Topia.
Businesses interested in working with Olivia Leahy can reach her at:
ph 021 757 405.
The Whanau Ora Navigation Service can be contacted on (06) 367-3311.
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