Tēnā Koutou Katoa/Greetings
ANZAC DAY is a national day of remembrance observed on the 25th April in Australia and New Zealand that broadly commemorates all Australians and New Zealanders “who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations” and “the contribution and suffering of all those who have served”
Close to 16,000 Maori registered for service and served with distinction both at home and abroad. Most served in areas such as home defence, artillery, engineering and service corps, but it is the 20% that served in the famous 28th (Maori) Battalion that is perhaps best remembered. These men established a formidable reputation as one of New Zealand’s finest fighting forces.
On behalf of Te Waiora we give thanks to all our soldiers both past and present for their amazing contribution to Aotearoa New Zealand.
Mā te atua kia koutou e manaaki e tiaki.
Continual Improvement
An inherited value Te Waiora strives to uphold is whanaungatanga – to actively recognise that everyone has a wider set of relationships and associations that provide support, assistance, sustenance, guidance, and direction when needed including the importance of maintaining these relationships.
Staff Update
Over the past few months it has been a busy time particularly when staff are away and our patients are needing more support than usual.
Huge thankyou to our team at Te Waiora for their skills, knowledge and experience.
Community Garden & Mural Painting programme – 24th – 28th April – second week of school holidays – see flyer on back page.
Where? – Te Waiora
Time? – 10am -3pm
What to bring? – Lunch and old clothes for painting and gardening
Changes to the request for Patient Refunds
Please note that we have been advised by Greencross Health (who look after processing our financial accounts) that when requesting a patient refund, please complete the required request form before 10am Friday morning. Patient refund requests will be processed and paid on the following Wednesday.
Al Scholes and family for the wonderful donation of soft toys – very much appreciated.
Blood Laboratory Clinic
Notice of extended hours as from the 30th January 2017.
Our blood clinic hours will be from 8am – 1pm, Monday to Friday.
Notices regarding this change are displayed at Te Waiora (Foxton)
Our administration team are currently updating enrolment details as per the roll out of the National Enrolment System directed by Ministry of Health.
It takes a few extra minutes to verify details, so please bear with us when you arrive for your appointment.
Also, do you know anyone not registered with a Doctor or medical /health service? We are accepting new enrolments and updating enrolments for our current patients.
Our staff will assist you with this process.
Casualty Hours
Our allocated casualty times are on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. This service is for anyone who is not enrolled as a patient with any provider. Please note there are limited spaces that are available for this type of consult and these appointments are for health emergencies only.
Costs to access this service are as follows and payment is required at the time of the consultation.
Nurse | Casual
(Community Service Card) |
(No Community Service Card) |
12 years and under | Free | Free | Free |
13 – 17 years | $20.00 | $30.00 | $40.00 |
17 years and over | $20.00 | $45.00 | $65.00 |
ACC | $20.00 | $45.00 | $45.00 |
Urgent Prescriptions
If you require an urgent prescription, this request needs to be completed by 10am (on the day) to allow time for our Doctors to sign the prescription. Currently, an urgent prescription charge is $20.
Prescription Line
Te Waiora has a ‘script line’ where you leave your name, contact number, and which medications you want, the next step is you will be contacted by a nurse. Please ensure you leave your name and contact details as we have no way of identifying who you are without this information. When you dial our phone number, the script line option is number 3. There still is an option to talk with a nurse if the script line doesn’t suit you.
Patient Prescription Request
If you present in person at Te Waiora wanting to request a repeat prescription, our administration team will assist you.
Faxed Prescriptions
If you want your prescription to be faxed to the pharmacy, please make this request known to our administration or nursing staff. The cost for a faxed prescription is $15.
Services Available at Te Waiora
We provide a room for the following services to work out of. Each service books their own appointments. If you have any questions about these services please ask our reception staff who will put you in touch with the person or information you require.
- Aged Concern Weekly (Foxton)
- Alcohol & Other Drug Weekly (Foxton)
- B4 school checks Monthly (Foxton & Shannon)
- Carpenters Dental Fortnightly (Foxton)
- Children’s eczema nurse specialist Monthly (Foxton)
- Clinical Pharmacist Weekly (Foxton)
- Community Nurse Home Visits Weekly (Foxton & Shannon)
- Counselling Weekly (Foxton)
- Diabetes Nurse Specialist clinics Fortnightly (Foxton & Shannon)
- Dietician Monthly (Foxton & Shannon)
- District Nursing Service Daily (Foxton & Shannon)
- Maori Women’s Welfare League hui / meetings Monthly (Foxton)
- Mental Health support Weekly (Foxton)
- Mobile Nursing Weekly (Foxton & Shannon)
- Plunket Monthly (Foxton)
- Podiatrist Weekly (Foxton)
- Respiratory Nurse Specialist Fortnightly (Foxton & Shannon)
- Smoking cessation support / Quit coaches Weekly (Foxton & Shannon)
- Vision & Hearing Monthly (Foxton)
On behalf of our Te Waiora team please continue to give us feedback about our service and other services that are provided so that we improve and meet the needs of our whānau, hapū, iwi and communities.
Hei konā I raro I ngā manaakitanga,
Chris Clement Tracey Robinson
Kaiārahi – Operations Manager Kaitiaki – Community Development Manager
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